[Samba] Samba 4.0.10 - 4.1.0 - master can no longer join existing Win2003 domain?

Mauricio Alvarez maurialvarez303 at rocketmail.com
Fri Oct 11 13:05:49 MDT 2013

Hi Jacó

> Hi Maurico...

> # rm /usr/local/samba/private/sam.ldb

Did an rm -rf /usr/local/samba instead, nothing was working and couldn't demote. Then recompiled.

> and  repeat samba-tool domain join ...

Nothing is working. As I said, I tried recompiling three times with three different versions.

I am following same steps I made the first time (when it actually joined the domain). Compile, check /etc/krb5.conf, kinit, check klist, then attempt joining the domain.

There's an error message drsuapi.DsBindInfoFallBack. Anybody, what does it mean?

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