[Samba] using samba 4 as plugin replacement for samba 3

Mauricio Alvarez maurialvarez303 at rocketmail.com
Fri Oct 11 09:57:53 MDT 2013


   Good luck.

It should be easy, but considering the state of documentation (re your "Please update documentation" message: I totaly agree, btw) it might only sound easy.

As an idea, I spent a whole morning trying to get samba 4.0.10 to share a single directory. After pulling my hair, at last I was running smbd in debug console; after seeing 
Abnormal server exit: smbXsrv_session_logoff_all failed 
dumping core in /usr/local/samba/var/cores/smbd

I finally decided to sudo apt-get install samba.

Guess what? in 2 minutes the file share was working right and the client (an IP camera) immediately connected and stoped complaining.

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