[Samba] Remotely change samba 4 account parameter

Olivier BILHAUT o.bilhaut at fondation-misericorde.fr
Thu May 23 02:58:15 MDT 2013

Hi everyone.

We currently develop a small interface to allow some end users to change 
the samba 4 account expiracy and password of some specified accounts.

We would like to know what's the best way to remotely change a user 
parameter like password or expiracy date for example. Should we use the 
Samba 4 API ? Is it documented somewhere ? Should we login and remotely 
execute some samba-tool commands (this method seems to be the worst, 
isn't it?)

This will be used to allow the manager to reset the password and 
expiracy for generic substitues accounts.

Thanks in advance.

***	OB
***	Service Informatique
***	Fondation de la Miséricorde

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