[Samba] Samba 4 AD DC and BIND

Gerry Reno greno at verizon.net
Sun Mar 17 13:57:27 MDT 2013

When you setup Samba 4 AD DC using BIND9_DLZ and your domain has external servers (eg: www,mail) at external providers
this means that the ISP and the internal network nameservers will both have SOA record for the domain.

/etc/resolv.conf looks like this:

    domain company.com

/etc/named.conf contains:

    forwarders  { isp_nameservers; };
    recursion   yes;

What is the preferred way to forward DNS requests to the ISP nameservers in order to resolve the domain's external
servers without using BIND views?

Right now, all of Samba 4 AD DC DNS is working with the exception of being able to resolve the domain's external servers.

One solution could be to dump all our domain records at the ISP and duplicate them in the AD DNS Zone which seems


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