[Samba] Success with samba4 ( debian wheezy member server )

Cyril cyril.lalinne at 3d-com.fr
Wed Dec 18 02:13:15 MST 2013

Le 18/12/2013 09:25, L.P.H. van Belle a écrit :
> I forgot to mention, im using the sernet-samba packages.
> http://www.enterprisesamba.com/samba
> below also works on ubuntu.
> create an account, and add the samba4 repo for ubuntu.
> What server is the dhcp server and the (Dynamic) DNS server.
> windows ? samba ?  other ?
> and really a "server" with a dhcp adres. yes it can be done.
> but you should put a "mac"/ip reservation in the dhcp so your server
> always gets the same ip.
> Louis

I didn't explain well my network configuration :

Samba 4 on a Cent0S 6.4 server, compiled from the last v4-1-stable 
version on GIT. Next time I'll use package ... so I'll get updates.

The DNS service is the internal one from Samba. The server IP is static.
I have also installed dhcpd service on this server.

There's no other servers on this network

I was able to join a win7 workstation without any issue.
The roaming profile was working fine

I was now looking into adding a linux workstation to the domain.
And give to users the same possibility as they can have on windows 
(roaming profiles)

>> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>> Van: cyril.lalinne at 3d-com.fr
>> [mailto:samba-bounces at lists.samba.org] Namens Cyril
>> Verzonden: dinsdag 17 december 2013 17:41
>> Aan: samba at lists.samba.org
>> Onderwerp: Re: [Samba] Success with samba4 ( debian wheezy
>> member server )
>> There's some points I don't understand :
>>> 1) point your dns ( /etc/resolv.conf ) to the ad server.
>> Ok, This is done by the DHCP server.
>>> 2) make user hostname.domainname works.
>>> 	test it with :  hostname -s ( single name )
>>> 			    hostname -d ( domainname )
>>> 			    hostname -f  ( hostname.domainname )
>> Ok, I add an "A" entry in the DNS Zone.
>>> 3) TIME MUST BE IN SYNC !! ( apt-get install ntp , edit
>> /etc/ntp.conf put in server IPofADserver
>> done
>>> if this works..
>>> apt-get install krb5-user sernet-samba-winbind sernet-samba
>> I'm using ubuntu. So may I install krb5-user samba4-clients winbind4 ?
>> I'll have a try ...
>> Doesn't work on ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
>> I'm trying with an older version : samba and winbind
>>> check the /etc/krb5.conf file
>>> if you dont see your domain ( realm )
>>> type : dpkg-reconfigure -plow krb5-user
>>> it should fill it, if not fix it yourselve.
>> That's ok
>>> then go here and copy the smb.conf and put it in /etc/samba
>>> http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba/Domain_Member
>>> !! change the workgroup and realm, and keep the CAPS !
>>> edit /etc/default/sernet-samba
>>> put in classic
>> Does that mean that configuring a linux client is nearly the same as
>> configuring a BDC without sharing or other services ?
>>> start samba.
>>> almost there.
>>> check /etc/nsswitch.conf
>>> should have.
>>> passwd:         compat winbind
>>> group:          compat winbind
>>> wait 10-20 sec.
>>> test
>>> kinit administrator
>> kinit: KDC reply did not match expectations while getting initial
>> credentials
>> I think, I'll have to try with newer version of samba and winbind
>>> ( you should see administrator at YOURREALM !  )
>>> test ok,  Join the domain.
>>> net ads join -U administrator
>>> joined ?
>> Damned; my howtname is too long !
>> May I use a FQDN for the workstation ?
>> After having changed the hostname for something shorter :
>> Using short domain name -- mydomain
>> Joined 'mymachine' to realm 'mydomain.com'
>> DNS Update for mymachine.mydomain.com failed: ERROR_DNS_INVALID_MESSAGE
>> DNS update failed!
>> I had to use sudo to use "net ads ..."
>>> now wbinfo -u etc works
>> wbinfo -u
>> Error looking up domain users
>> wbinfo -g
>> failed to call wbcListGroups: WBC_ERR_WINBIND_NOT_AVAILABLE
>> Error looking up domain groups
>> getent passwd
>> getent group
>> What result should give getent ?
>> Looks like it show me local data ...
>>> Greetz,
>>> Louis
>> Cyril
>> --
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