[Samba] PDC and BDCs : net rpc testjoin
Gémes Géza
geza at kzsdabas.hu
Tue Oct 23 23:29:12 MDT 2012
2012-10-23 23:52 keltezéssel, Michael Wood írta:
> Hi Marcio
> On 23 October 2012 21:01, Marcio Oli <marcio.oli.df at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ok Michalel, thanks.
>> But is not clear to me yet.
>> The samba PDCs and BDCs have obligation to be joined to domain?
>> In other words, I need to type a manual linux command within Samba Domain
>> Controllers (like: # net rpc join [DOMAIN] -U AdminUserofDomain) .
> I think Geza was saying that you do (for Samba 3), but I have not run
> a Samba 3 PDC/BDC before, so I am not the one to answer that question.
First: Thanks Michael for correcting my typo
Second: For Samba3 PDC/BDC there is no need to be joined to the domain,
if you do not plan to use winbind on them (e.g. for trusted domains, or
ldapsam:editposix stuff)
Hope that is clearer now.
>> Regards,
>> Marcio.
>> 2012/10/23 Michael Wood <esiotrot at gmail.com>
>>> Hi
>>> On 23 October 2012 16:48, Marcio Oli <marcio.oli.df at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Gémes!
>>>> I'sorry about my ignorance, but what is a aka classic domain?
>>> "aka classic domain now" (I think Geza meant to say "now" instead of
>>> "not") means that the type of domain that Samba3 implements is now
>>> "also known as" a "classic domain".
>>> I hope my explanation helps :)
>>>> My samba version is 3.5.10-116.el6_2.
>>>> OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.2 / Linux
>>>> 2.6.32-131.6.1.el6.x86_64
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Marcio Oliveira.
>>>> 2012/10/23 Gémes Géza <geza at kzsdabas.hu>
>>>>> 2012-10-22 20:10 keltezéssel, Marcio Oli írta:
>>>>> I think the question is simple, so anybody could help me with
>>>>> this?
>>>>>> The questions are:
>>>>>> 1. The samba PDCs and BDCs have obligation to be joined to domain?
>>>>> In a samba3 (aka classic domain not)
>>> [...]
>>> --
>>> Michael Wood <esiotrot at gmail.com>
>> --
>> Marcio Oliveira.
>> "Tudo concorre para o bem daqueles que amam à Deus." (Rom 8,28)
Geza Gemes
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