[Samba] Samba4 successful deployment
Caleb O'Connell
caleb at privacyassociation.org
Tue Oct 23 08:29:42 MDT 2012
I concur with Felix. I am very happy and impressed with samba4 so far. We have been using it on two servers that are only acting as AD domain
controllers. We have a separate samba 3.6.8 server. I prefer to keep the file server still using the existing samba 3.6.X series and use winbind to auth
against the AD. Seems to keep performance and reliability.
We have a eJabberd server, otrs server, ajaxplorer server, a VPN server and a drupal intranet server all successfully authenticating, with very simple
> On 10/16/2012 03:27 PM, felix at epepm.cupet.cu wrote:
>> Recently I migrated to samba4 in my company.
>> So far so good.
>> debian 6
>> samba4.1.0pre1
>> bind9.9.1-P1 (working pretty well. it even updates the reverse zone and
>> no problems at all with the forwarder)
>> ntp-4.2.6p5
>> All services authenticating with samba4: mail (postfix + dovecot +
>> squirrelmail), jabber (openfire), proxy (squid), even MS Sql server 2000,
>> Net Support Manager and GFI Endpoint Security.
>> It's really a great job you've been doing, Samba Team!!
>> Cheers,
>> Felix.
> Hi Felix,
> I have a question for you:
> Do you put file sharing on the same box, or still on Samba3?
> I plan to do the same migration.
> Thanks,
> Allen
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