[Samba] Picking the right installer
Jeremy Allison
jra at samba.org
Fri Oct 5 10:34:19 MDT 2012
On Fri, Oct 05, 2012 at 01:01:19AM +0100, Andrew wrote:
> Hello,
> Today, I was suggested to use Samba by Plone people, meaning I Hadn't heard of Samba before. It seems to be exactly what I have been looking for for some time, but I obviously am completely blank about Samba, so you will excuse my silly question, please.
> I want to install Samba on my server, but after over two hours searching the site, I found there are plenty of very useful documentation, but not enough tips for a newbie like me to start with.
> Follows what I have, so you can kindly tell me which installer I must download to start.
> Apache Linux server (Arvixe)
> PC running Windows 7 Ultimate with MS Office.
> My problem arises from the fact that after all the time spent searching and reading I did not understand whether the installers are recommended according to the server or to the PC-OS. Which one shall I use, please?
> Thank you very much for enlightening me.
If you install a standard Linux distribution (the most
popular are Red Hat, SuSE, Ubuntu or Debian) then it
will include a Samba server package (or the ability
to add one). I would start there if I were you.
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