[Samba] samber server in openvz container - venet oder veth0?
Birgit Berger (UV Wien)
birgit.berger at oeh.univie.ac.at
Tue Aug 14 08:30:51 MDT 2012
<mueller at tropenklinik.de> schreibt:
>Did you set in your registry:
yes. it is set
>Which version of samba do you use?
>With samba4 you do not use any wins anymore.
>EDV Daniel Müller
>Leitung EDV
>Tropenklinik Paul-Lechler-Krankenhaus
>Paul-Lechler-Str. 24
>72076 Tübingen
>Tel.: 07071/206-463, Fax: 07071/206-499
>eMail: mueller at tropenklinik.de
>Internet: www.tropenklinik.de
>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>Von: samba-bounces at lists.samba.org [mailto:samba-bounces at lists.samba.org]
>Im Auftrag von Birgit Berger (UV Wien)
>Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. August 2012 15:12
>An: nkadel at gmail.com
>Cc: samba at lists.samba.org
>Betreff: Re: [Samba] samber server in openvz container - venet oder veth0?
>Nico Kadel-Garcia <nkadel at gmail.com> schreibt:
>>On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 2:44 PM, Birgit Berger (UV Wien)
>><birgit.berger at oeh.univie.ac.at> wrote:
>>> sorry, to bother you again.
>>> I cannot join win7 or winXP clients to my samba domain sever located
>>> on
>>> debian server in a VE (openvz) unless I set up the server and clients
>>> to use WINS. But the recommendation is not to use WINS. openvz
>>> natively
>>> venet. venet makes broadcasting impossible.
>>> I guess DNS is sufficient for name<->IP resolution but not for
>>> NetBios name<->IP resolution (it doesn' know name types and maybe
>>> that's why it cannot find DMB and logon server?) and that's why my
>>> win7 and winXP clients cannot join the domain.
>>Why don't the netbios names match the DNS names? Is your VPN not
>>setting your default domain names?
>the computer names are exactly the same as the names registered in DNS.
>the entry in DNS ist PC5.oeh.univie.ac.at
>so it should work. but it doesn't. windows 7 and windows xp computers
>cannot join the domain. (unless i set a WINS server in the tcp/ip
>settings on each client. Then they can join the domain and machine
>accounts are
>created.) Without WINS server set in the tcp/ip settings on each client I
>get the error message (see below), when I try to join the domain in
>Computer->Eigenschaften->Einstellungen ändern->Ändern->Domäne (where I
>type the domain name)->OK
>(The error message in win XP is exactly the same as the one in windows 7)
>Why does it necessarily ask for a WINS server? it should be possible
>without WINS server, shouldn't it? Or do I have to use WINS server when I
>user samba in a VE (openvz) with venet? And why DNS isn't enough for
>joining client machines to the domain?
>Der Domänenname "OEH" ist möglicherweise ein NetBIOS-Domänenname.
>Sollte dies der Fall sein, stellen Sie sicher, dass der Name bei WINS
>registriert ist.
>Wenn Sie sicher sind, dass es sich nicht um einen NetBIOS-Domänennamen
>handelt, können folgende Informationen bei der Behandlung von Problemen
>mit der DNS-Konfiguration behilflich sein:
>Der folgende Fehler ist beim Abfragen von DNS über den Ressourceneintrag
>der Dienstidentifizierung (SRV) aufgetreten, der zur Suche eines Active
>Directory-Domänencontrollers für die Domäne "OEH" verwendet wird:
>Fehler: "Der DNS-Name ist nicht vorhanden."
>(Fehlercode 0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR)
>Es handelt sich um die Abfrage des Dienstidentifizierungseintrags (SRV)
>für _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.OEH.
>Häufigste Fehlerursachen:
>- Die zum Ermitteln eines Active Directory-Domänencontrollers (AD DC)
>erforderlichen DNS-SRV-Einträge wurden nicht in DNS registriert. Diese
>Einträge werden automatisch bei einem DNS-Server registriert, wenn ein
>Active Directory-Domänencontroller einer Domäne hinzugefügt wird. Die
>Einträge werden vom Active Directory-Domänencontroller zu festgelegten
>Intervallen aktualisiert. Dieser Computer wurde zum Verwenden von
>DNS-Servern mit den folgenden IP-Adressen konfiguriert:
>- Mindestens eine der folgenden Zonen enthalten keine Delegierung zu
>dieser untergeordneten Zone:
>. (die Stammzone)
>>> So given my virtual server setup with openvz, do you rather suggest
>>> to
>>> WINS or to set up veth so I can use normal broadcasting?
>>> Or are there other ways to do name resolution with a samba server
>>> installed in a VE container which I oversaw.
>>> I'm a newbie and netbios name resolution is hard to understand. so I
>>> be very happy to get any suggestions from people already using samba
>>> server in an open vz container.... do you guys use venet or veth or
>>> do
>>> just activate WINS?
>>> birgit
>>> ===========================
>>> thank you Johannes. no, I don't really need WINS but it was the only
>>way I
>>> could join clients to the domain so far. so I activated it. DNS
>>> should
>>> available and working too.
>>> /etc/nsswitch.conf looks like this:
>>> hosts: files dns
>>> Can I use venet with samba or should I change to veth?
>>> regards, birgit
>>> Johannes Truschnigg <johannes at truschnigg.info> schreibt:
>>>>Hi Birgit,
>>>>On Tue, Aug 07, 2012 at 01:38:32PM +0200, Birgit Berger (UV Wien)
>>>>> I'm new to the list. hopefully my question is correctly placed
>>>>> I'd installed my samba server 3.5.6 on debian squeeze in a openvz
>>>>> container that uses venet. I'd love to keep it that way but I'm not
>>>>> if that is ok. Do you use samba server with venet or do I have to
>>>>> to veth?
>>>>> I already read
>>>>> and I don't want to intall shorewall in every container (VE). Also
>>>>> seems easier to administrate and is faster.
>>>>> I read
>>>>> and nmblookup (chapters 4,5,6 and 10) doesn't work. This is because
>>>>> of venet, I suppose. Because with venet broadcasting doesn't work.
>>>>> But
>>do I
>>>>> really need it for the Samba server or can I just use DNS (on other
>>>>> servers than the samba server) and WINS server (on the samba server)?
>>>>> I stick to venet or should I use veth?
>>>>Do you have clients on the network that you know absolutely require
>>>>WINS for resolving names? (I'd actually have a hard time believing
>>>>that, but who
>>>>knows...) Other than that, not having WINS but DNS as its modern and
>>>>sensible replacement in working condition should be perfectly
>>>>sufficient for your day to day Samba (and other networking) needs.
>>>>I've been running Samba
>>>>nmbd enabled for a few years now (with Windows XP, Windows 7 and
>>>>GNU/Linux as
>>>>clients) and did not run into any problems becasue of that.
>>>>Grüße aus und nach Wien ;)
>>>>with best regards:
>>>>- Johannes Truschnigg ( johannes at truschnigg.info )
>>>>www: http://johannes.truschnigg.info/
>>>>phone: +43 650 2 133337
>>>>xmpp: johannes at truschnigg.info
>>>>Please do not bother me with HTML-email or attachments. Thank you.
>>> Johannes Truschnigg <johannes at truschnigg.info> schreibt:
>>>>Hello again,
>>>>On Tue, Aug 07, 2012 at 02:28:24PM +0200, Birgit Berger (UV Wien)
>>>>> thank you Johannes. no, I don't really need WINS but it was the
>>>>> only
>>>>way I
>>>>> could join clients to the domain so far. so I activated it. DNS
>>>>> should
>>>>> available and working too.
>>>>> /etc/nsswitch.conf looks like this:
>>>>> hosts: files dns
>>>>That's fine - you don't want anything reagrding winbind or WINS in
>>>>since you don't have proper name resolution set up over that kind of
>>>>> Can I use venet with samba or should I change to veth?
>>>>Just stick with what you got - vnet will be fine.
>>>>Have a nice day!
>>>>with best regards:
>>>>- Johannes Truschnigg ( johannes at truschnigg.info )
>>>>www: http://johannes.truschnigg.info/
>>>>phone: +43 650 2 133337
>>>>xmpp: johannes at truschnigg.info
>>>>Please do not bother me with HTML-email or attachments. Thank you.
>>> Birgit Berger
>>> EDV-Administratorin an der ÖH Uni Wien
>>> http://www.oeh.univie.ac.at/arbeitsbereiche/edv.html
>>> --
>>> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
>>> instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba
>Birgit Berger
>EDV-Administratorin an der ÖH Uni Wien
Birgit Berger
EDV-Administratorin an der ÖH Uni Wien
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