[Samba] samber server in openvz container - venet oder veth0?
Birgit Berger (UV Wien)
birgit.berger at oeh.univie.ac.at
Tue Aug 14 07:12:01 MDT 2012
Nico Kadel-Garcia <nkadel at gmail.com> schreibt:
>On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 2:44 PM, Birgit Berger (UV Wien)
><birgit.berger at oeh.univie.ac.at> wrote:
>> sorry, to bother you again.
>> I cannot join win7 or winXP clients to my samba domain sever located on
>> debian server in a VE (openvz) unless I set up the server and clients to
>> use WINS. But the recommendation is not to use WINS. openvz natively
>> venet. venet makes broadcasting impossible.
>> I guess DNS is sufficient for name<->IP resolution but not for NetBios
>> name<->IP resolution (it doesn' know name types and maybe that's why it
>> cannot find DMB and logon server?) and that's why my win7 and winXP
>> clients cannot join the domain.
>Why don't the netbios names match the DNS names? Is your VPN not
>setting your default domain names?
the computer names are exactly the same as the names registered in DNS.
the entry in DNS ist PC5.oeh.univie.ac.at
so it should work. but it doesn't. windows 7 and windows xp computers
cannot join the domain. (unless i set a WINS server in the tcp/ip settings
on each client. Then they can join the domain and machine accounts are
created.) Without WINS server set in the tcp/ip settings on each client I
get the error message (see below), when I try to join the domain in
Computer->Eigenschaften->Einstellungen ändern->Ändern->Domäne (where I
type the domain name)->OK
(The error message in win XP is exactly the same as the one in windows 7)
Why does it necessarily ask for a WINS server? it should be possible
without WINS server, shouldn't it? Or do I have to use WINS server when I
user samba in a VE (openvz) with venet? And why DNS isn't enough for
joining client machines to the domain?
Der Domänenname "OEH" ist möglicherweise ein NetBIOS-Domänenname.
Sollte dies der Fall sein, stellen Sie sicher, dass der Name bei WINS
registriert ist.
Wenn Sie sicher sind, dass es sich nicht um einen NetBIOS-Domänennamen
handelt, können folgende Informationen bei der Behandlung von Problemen
mit der DNS-Konfiguration behilflich sein:
Der folgende Fehler ist beim Abfragen von DNS über den Ressourceneintrag
der Dienstidentifizierung (SRV) aufgetreten, der zur Suche eines Active
Directory-Domänencontrollers für die Domäne "OEH" verwendet wird:
Fehler: "Der DNS-Name ist nicht vorhanden."
(Fehlercode 0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR)
Es handelt sich um die Abfrage des Dienstidentifizierungseintrags (SRV)
für _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.OEH.
Häufigste Fehlerursachen:
- Die zum Ermitteln eines Active Directory-Domänencontrollers (AD DC)
erforderlichen DNS-SRV-Einträge wurden nicht in DNS registriert. Diese
Einträge werden automatisch bei einem DNS-Server registriert, wenn ein
Active Directory-Domänencontroller einer Domäne hinzugefügt wird. Die
Einträge werden vom Active Directory-Domänencontroller zu festgelegten
Intervallen aktualisiert. Dieser Computer wurde zum Verwenden von
DNS-Servern mit den folgenden IP-Adressen konfiguriert:
- Mindestens eine der folgenden Zonen enthalten keine Delegierung zu
dieser untergeordneten Zone:
. (die Stammzone)
>> So given my virtual server setup with openvz, do you rather suggest to
>> WINS or to set up veth so I can use normal broadcasting?
>> Or are there other ways to do name resolution with a samba server
>> installed in a VE container which I oversaw.
>> I'm a newbie and netbios name resolution is hard to understand. so I
>> be very happy to get any suggestions from people already using samba
>> server in an open vz container.... do you guys use venet or veth or do
>> just activate WINS?
>> birgit
>> ===========================
>> thank you Johannes. no, I don't really need WINS but it was the only
>way I
>> could join clients to the domain so far. so I activated it. DNS should
>> available and working too.
>> /etc/nsswitch.conf looks like this:
>> hosts: files dns
>> Can I use venet with samba or should I change to veth?
>> regards, birgit
>> Johannes Truschnigg <johannes at truschnigg.info> schreibt:
>>>Hi Birgit,
>>>On Tue, Aug 07, 2012 at 01:38:32PM +0200, Birgit Berger (UV Wien) wrote:
>>>> I'm new to the list. hopefully my question is correctly placed here...
>>>> I'd installed my samba server 3.5.6 on debian squeeze in a openvz
>>>> container that uses venet. I'd love to keep it that way but I'm not
>>>> if that is ok. Do you use samba server with venet or do I have to
>>>> to veth?
>>>> I already read
>>>> and I don't want to intall shorewall in every container (VE). Also
>>>> seems easier to administrate and is faster.
>>>> I read
>>>> and nmblookup (chapters 4,5,6 and 10) doesn't work. This is because of
>>>> venet, I suppose. Because with venet broadcasting doesn't work. But
>do I
>>>> really need it for the Samba server or can I just use DNS (on other
>>>> servers than the samba server) and WINS server (on the samba server)?
>>>> I stick to venet or should I use veth?
>>>Do you have clients on the network that you know absolutely require WINS
>>>resolving names? (I'd actually have a hard time believing that, but who
>>>knows...) Other than that, not having WINS but DNS as its modern and
>>>replacement in working condition should be perfectly sufficient for your
>>>to day Samba (and other networking) needs. I've been running Samba
>>>nmbd enabled for a few years now (with Windows XP, Windows 7 and
>>>GNU/Linux as
>>>clients) and did not run into any problems becasue of that.
>>>Grüße aus und nach Wien ;)
>>>with best regards:
>>>- Johannes Truschnigg ( johannes at truschnigg.info )
>>>www: http://johannes.truschnigg.info/
>>>phone: +43 650 2 133337
>>>xmpp: johannes at truschnigg.info
>>>Please do not bother me with HTML-email or attachments. Thank you.
>> Johannes Truschnigg <johannes at truschnigg.info> schreibt:
>>>Hello again,
>>>On Tue, Aug 07, 2012 at 02:28:24PM +0200, Birgit Berger (UV Wien) wrote:
>>>> thank you Johannes. no, I don't really need WINS but it was the only
>>>way I
>>>> could join clients to the domain so far. so I activated it. DNS should
>>>> available and working too.
>>>> /etc/nsswitch.conf looks like this:
>>>> hosts: files dns
>>>That's fine - you don't want anything reagrding winbind or WINS in
>>>since you don't have proper name resolution set up over that kind of
>>>> Can I use venet with samba or should I change to veth?
>>>Just stick with what you got - vnet will be fine.
>>>Have a nice day!
>>>with best regards:
>>>- Johannes Truschnigg ( johannes at truschnigg.info )
>>>www: http://johannes.truschnigg.info/
>>>phone: +43 650 2 133337
>>>xmpp: johannes at truschnigg.info
>>>Please do not bother me with HTML-email or attachments. Thank you.
>> Birgit Berger
>> EDV-Administratorin an der ÖH Uni Wien
>> http://www.oeh.univie.ac.at/arbeitsbereiche/edv.html
>> --
>> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
>> instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba
Birgit Berger
EDV-Administratorin an der ÖH Uni Wien
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