[Samba] "make install" fails, can't link libreplace.inst.so [SOLVED]
Pekka L.J. Jalkanen
pekka.jalkanen at vihreat.fi
Fri Aug 10 05:17:01 MDT 2012
For the record: Stupid, really, but I simply didn't have enough memory.
I had a small virtual test box, with merely 256 MiB of RAM. When I
increased that to 512, "make install" ran without a fuzz.
It took me several days to solve. Only, when I finally in my desperation
(after testing all possible library combinations) attempted to run "make
test", I got an error that clearly informed me that no more memory could
be allocated.
On 30.7.2012 20:32, Pekka L.J. Jalkanen wrote:
> I can compile Samba4 beta 4, but can't install it:
> root at samba4dc:/usr/src/samba-4.0.0beta4# ./configure.developer
> <snip>
> 'configure' finished successfully (49.871s)
> root at samba4dc:/usr/src/samba-4.0.0beta4# make
> WAF_MAKE=1 ./buildtools/bin/waf build
> <snip>
> Waf: Leaving directory `/usr/src/samba-4.0.0beta4/bin'
> 'build' finished successfully (13m25.444s)
> root at samba4dc:/usr/src/samba-4.0.0beta4# make install
> WAF_MAKE=1 ./buildtools/bin/waf install
> Waf: Entering directory `/usr/src/samba-4.0.0beta4/bin'
> * creating /usr/local/samba/etc
> * creating /usr/local/samba/private
> * creating /usr/local/samba/var
> * creating /usr/local/samba/private
> * creating /usr/local/samba/var/lib
> * creating /usr/local/samba/var/locks
> * creating /usr/local/samba/var/cache
> * creating /usr/local/samba/var/lock
> * creating /usr/local/samba/var/run
> * creating /usr/local/samba/var/run
> Selected embedded Heimdal build
> Checking project rules ...
> Project rules pass
> [ 129/4246] Linking default/lib/replace/libreplace.inst.so
> Waf: Leaving directory `/usr/src/samba-4.0.0beta4/bin'
> Build failed: -> task failed (err #-1):
> {task: cc_link replace_2.o,getpass_2.o -> libreplace.inst.so}
> make: *** [install] Error 1
> Could anybody help me to figure out how to diagnose this problem?
> The example above is from a tarball source, but the same first happened
> with git source (git checkout samba-4.0.0beta4).
> Pekka L.J. Jalkanen
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