[Samba] winbind: uid range is ignored
ndk.clanbo at gmail.com
Sat Aug 4 12:34:49 MDT 2012
Il 04/08/2012 13:40, steve ha scritto:
>> Too bad my AD controllers are M$ W2k3, w/o rfc2307 extension :( That's
>> why I'm stuck with rid.
> Ah I see. I didn't mean to offend.
No offense perceived :)
> I simply assumed you were using Samba4.
If only I could...
> I think m$ gave them the 2008 schema as a result of a court
> case. That _does_ have rfc2307.
I don't know the background... I'm just a normal user w/ usually big
troubles. So big that it seems nobody knows the answer :(
>> Should work at the first try.
> Really need this one. I have to compare winbind with nss-ldapd to do
> this stuff. Have the latter going fine.
What you can't do with ldap (IIUC) is nested group membership. W/ AD you
can have it.
Up to you if that's important enough (for me it was: I usually place the
service.admins group into the service.allowed one, so that all admins
are automatically allowed...
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