[Samba] Samba/Windows "you do not have permission to access this"
Craig Cameron
Craig.Cameron at iongeo.com
Wed Aug 1 10:44:42 MDT 2012
Yes it's down as writeable = yes in smb.conf
If I change the file's ownership to myself it works - or if I then restart winbind and samba it then becomes accessible too.
There's only an issue if the file owner is different from the person accessing it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Müller [mailto:mueller at tropenklinik.de]
Sent: 01 August 2012 12:24
To: Craig Cameron; samba at lists.samba.org
Subject: AW: [Samba] Samba/Windows "you do not have permission to access this"
Did you configure the share as writeable=yes?
EDV Daniel Müller
Leitung EDV
Tropenklinik Paul-Lechler-Krankenhaus
Paul-Lechler-Str. 24
72076 Tübingen
Tel.: 07071/206-463, Fax: 07071/206-499
eMail: mueller at tropenklinik.de
Internet: www.tropenklinik.de
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: samba-bounces at lists.samba.org [mailto:samba-bounces at lists.samba.org] Im Auftrag von Craig Cameron
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 1. August 2012 13:07
An: samba at lists.samba.org
Betreff: [Samba] Samba/Windows "you do not have permission to access this"
I'm constantly running into the above error message when accessing files on a samba share under Win7.
Files are fully accessible under Linux ie the group permissions are being honoured but Windows just locks me out if I'm not the owner.
file: testfile
owner: anotheruser
group: mygroup
Has anyone else experienced this? And if so can anyone suggest a fix?
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