[Samba] CVE-2012-1182 patches

Earl J Sanchez earl.j.sanchez at seagate.com
Mon Apr 16 18:45:25 MDT 2012


We are using Samba 3.4.2 on Oracle Solaris 10 UNIX server. I am looking at
the samba site for patches for the CVE-2012-1182 vulnerability, but the
closest patch versions I see  are for samba 3.4.15 & 3.4.16.
Is there a specific patch to fix samba 3.4.2?

Also, since we are patching, is there a cluster of patches available
specifically for samba 3.4.2?

Can you please point me to the links for the samba 3.4.2 patch sets?

Thank you,

Earl Sanchez
Engineering IT
Ph: 831-439-7431

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