[Samba] msgbox empty when trying to connect

Hervé Hénoch h.henoch at isc84.org
Fri Dec 16 00:48:52 MST 2011


I've the following event which happens when I try to connect a XP SP3 
Pro to samba 3.5 domain :

    * Administrators of the domain can log in.
    * Users of the domain can't. An empty msgbox appears and that's all.
      If I give a bad password, it is indicated so the user is seen in
    * root preexec is not executed for this user.
    * no directory is created in "Documents and Settings"
    * for others XP machines all works well.

The machine is a Lenovo R60 ...

I've tried to put in registry "Open a local session" the user but it has 
changed nothing.

Any help would be appreciate ...


Hervé Hénoch
Responsable informatique
Institut Sainte Catherine
1750, chemin du Lavarin, 84000 Avignon
Téléphone :
Messagerie : h.henoch at isc84.org

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