[Samba] required ldap signed connection on domain controllers

Andrew Bartlett abartlet at samba.org
Sat Sep 11 02:00:49 MDT 2010

On Sat, 2010-09-11 at 01:42 +0200, proj at free.fr wrote:
> Hello,
> I use samba 3.0.33 rpm on Redhat EL 5.5 64x, as domain membe-ROM)r (from CD. When I try to join it to active directory domain (ADS), I have got the error "strong(er) authentication required".
> On documentation it is written that "client ldap sasl wrapping = signed " option in smb.conf should correct my problem.
> The problem is that, when I add this option in smb.conf, I have in my log files "unknown client ldap sasl wrapping"
> How I should I correct it ? I tried to compile the last Samba on Redhat os but I have new errors (impossible to start smbd nor nmbd)...

Indeed, as you have suspected, you need a newer version than 3.0.33.
Try the RPMs from http://ftp.sernet.de/pub/samba/3.5/rhel/5/x86_64/ if
you can't build it yourself. 

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett                                http://samba.org/~abartlet/
Authentication Developer, Samba Team           http://samba.org
Samba Developer, Cisco Inc.
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