[Samba] problems with always one logged files

Lukrativ - Armin Krämer a.kraemer at lukra-tiv.de
Thu Sep 9 00:31:12 MDT 2010



we´ve got a samba system as an pdc and got some problem with one file which always is not closed properly. 


Here we have the output with no user or pc is logged on and one file keeps always open. The only way is to reboot the system. Killing the process fails. May someone has an idea what causes this? 


Samba version 3.2.13-SerNet-Debian

PID     Username      Group         Machine


9521      a.user     S-Users       wkst-user      (::ffff:


Service      pid     machine       Connected at


a.user    9521   wkst-user       Tue Sep  7 10:21:39 2010

PUBLIC       9521   wkst-user       Tue Sep  7 10:41:52 2010

AFF          9521   wkst-user       Tue Sep  7 10:41:52 2010


Locked files:

Pid          Uid        DenyMode   Access      R/W        Oplock           SharePath   Name   Time


9521         1006       DENY_WRITE 0x2019f     RDWR       NONE             /var/share/home/a.user/Outlook_Archiv/my_archiv_2010.pst   Tue Sep  7 10:34:14 2010



Thanks alot for your help.





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