[Samba] Audit problem

Luiz Guilherme Nunes Fernandes narutospinal at gmail.com
Mon Sep 6 09:07:16 MDT 2010

        I am having the following issue

Logs generated by "realpath" enabled UPnP. How could I fix it?

Samba File:

/ Etc / samba / smb.conf

vfs objects = full_audit
full_audit: success = pwrite, rename, rmdir, unlink
full_audit: prefix =% u |% m |% I |% O
full_audit: failure = none
full_audit: facility = local7
full_audit: priority = notice

Syslog file:

/ Etc / syslog.conf

# Samba audit
local7.notice, local7.! warn / var / log / samba / audit.log

In option full_audit: success, not to insert the "realpath" because he is in
the log?
Thanks ...

Luiz Guilherme


               -=| A idéia de um fim que termina em um início. |=-

                    ♪ ♫  Luiz Guilherme Nunes Fernandes  ♫ ♪


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