[Samba] samba 3.0.21b on Solaris 10 U5 : Error - checking configure summary ... configure: error: summary failure. Aborting config

Gaiseric Vandal gaiseric.vandal at gmail.com
Thu Sep 2 09:14:26 MDT 2010

Solaris 10 (with latest patches) should have samba 3.0.37 already included.

"smbd -b" indicates it was built with ADS support.  I don't know if it 
really works reliably or not, since I am not integrating with active 

Sunfreeware.com  samba did not include either zfs or nsswitch 
support.    Also, Sunfreeware samba uses openldap while Sun's samba uses 
the OS ldap functionality.

I found compiling Samba on Solaris to be quite a challenge.  I did get 
EVENTUALLY get 3.4.8 compiled but not 3.5.2.   I had to symlink 
/usr/ccs/bin/ld to gld.  I also used gcc not Sun cc.

It seems pretty obvious to me that Sun will not be doing any more work 
with Samba since they have an alternative CIFS ("Windows") server 
product now.

On 09/02/2010 10:52 AM, Robert Freeman-Day wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 09/01/2010 11:11 AM, prabu.murugan at emc.com wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to configure samba 3.0.21b with ads support on Solaris 10 U5
>> ./configure is failing with the following error.
>> Error:
>> Using libraries:
>>      LIBS = -lresolv -lnsl -lsocket  -liconv
>>      LDAP_LIBS = -lldap -llber
>>      AUTH_LIBS =
>> checking configure summary... configure: error: summary failure.
>> Aborting config
>> Regards,
>> Prabu
> Prabu,
> Any reason you are using that version?  Not only is the latest 3.0.x
> 3.0.37 but it is discontinued and will no longer get security updates, etc:
>   http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Release_Planning_for_Samba_3.0
> I would at least look at 3.4.x or 3.5.x
> (http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba3_Release_Planning).
> You could also use the sunfreeware packages to eliminate the pain of
> compiling or use it as a reference of what libraries you would want:
> http://www.sunfreeware.com/programlistsparc10.html#samba
> Thanks,
> Robert
> - -- 
> ________
> Robert Freeman-Day
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