[Samba] Guest ? logon problems

Simon Kelsall simonk at stjamesthegreat.org
Fri Oct 22 06:23:20 MDT 2010


I have just upgraded to Samba 3.4.7 on Ubuntu 10.04 runing as a PDC

We have a short cut on the desktop which pointed to the server (  
\\server ) Previously when we clicked this it asked for logon  
credentials immediatley.

Since the upgrade it shows a list of shares ( printers, netlogon etc )  
and dosn't ask for credentials until you try to access a share.

This means the first time you click the server shortcut you wont see  
your home drive listed. You need to click one of the shares , logon  
then close the window and click on the shortcut again before you see  
your home drive.

I have gone through the smb.conf and turned off guest access on all  
the shares and anywhere else I could find it ( printer section etc ) .

How do I revert to the previous behavour ?

Many thanks

Simon Kelsall
Network Administrator
St James the Great R.C Primary & Nursery School

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