[Samba] unable to join to a Samba4 domain

Lukasz Zalewski lukas at dcs.qmul.ac.uk
Tue May 25 05:58:40 MDT 2010

On 05/25/2010 12:13 PM, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
> Am 25.05.2010 12:24, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
>> Am 25.05.2010 12:14, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
>>> Am 24.05.2010 21:47, Mike Leone wrote:
>>>>>> Tomasz,
>>>>>> How are you performing the join?
>>>>> The "normal way": my Computer-> Properties -> Domain... (is it
>>>>> possible
>>>>> to join a Windows PC differently)?
>>>> You can join from the command line using the NETDOM utility.
>>> Right.
>>> Tried that as well, doesn't work for me.
>> I'll try to build Samba4 from scratch.
> Didn't help with the newest git fetch and new setup - I'm still unable
> to join Windows 2008 to Samba4 domain.
> What more info should I provide?

The only way i can replicate your problem and get simmilar message, is 
by blocking access to port 389 both TCP and UDP on the samba4 host - it 
seems like enabling either (i.e. TCP or UDP) produces enter credentials 
dialog. Note that i have used Windows 7 rather than Srv2008



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