[Samba] unable to join to a Samba4 domain

Mike Leone turgon at mike-leone.com
Mon May 24 13:47:36 MDT 2010

On 5/24/2010 3:39 PM, Tomasz Chmielewski had this to say:
> Am 23.05.2010 13:51, Lukasz Zalewski wrote:
>> On 21/05/2010 16:56, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
>>> Am 21.05.2010 06:25, Andrew Bartlett wrote:
>>>>> When you provisioned samba4 it generated sample bind and zone config
>>>>> for
>>>>> that dc,
>>>>> have a look at samba_install_dir/private/dns/samba4.my.domain.zone
>>>>> which includes all of the dns records for that zone and see which ones
>>>>> you are missing
>>>> Indeed, if you used a zone file other than the one we generated, then
>>>> you are asking for trouble. Please us the one we generate.
>>> I'm using the zone generated by Samba (and did not modify it).
>> Tomasz,
>> How are you performing the join?
> The "normal way": my Computer-> Properties -> Domain... (is it possible
> to join a Windows PC differently)?

You can join from the command line using the NETDOM utility.

Michael J. Leone, <mailto:turgon at mike-leone.com>

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