[Samba] RE : RE : RE : Example of command ". / Setup / provision"

Michael Wood esiotrot at gmail.com
Wed May 19 06:07:15 MDT 2010


2010/5/19 Viatte Frédéric <Frederic.Viatte at rpn.ch>:
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Viatte Frédéric
> Envoyé : mercredi, 19. mai 2010 11:58
> À : 'Michael Wood'
> Cc : tms3 at tms3.com; samba at lists.samba.org
> Objet : RE: RE : [Samba] RE : RE : Example of command ". / Setup / provision"
> I solved this error, but I have another one now, here it is:
> Error occurred while starting named service.
> Error: / usr / local / samba / private / named.conf: 6: unknown option 'zone'
> I tried to send you my file "named.conf" file "private" I do not know if you've received?

It seems you are still using "SERVEUR-TPI.DOMAINE.CH" as your realm
and DNS domain.  Why not just "DOMAIN.CH"?

Otherwise there seems to be nothing wrong with the named.conf you attached.

What does your /etc/named.conf file look like?

(On Ubuntu it's /etc/bind/named.conf instead of /etc/named.conf.)

Michael Wood <esiotrot at gmail.com>

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