[Samba] non-windows behavior of samba

Darwin, Samuel darwins at thirteen.org
Fri May 7 12:42:06 MDT 2010

By the way, I have isolated the problem to a subset of cases.

To review the problem case again briefly:  mount Z: drive from Windows.
Actively modify a file.       The Windows Explorer doesn't "update"
things like file size or modification date.

This is only broken when the modification happens across the samba

If I log onto the Linux server that is running samba, and I modify a
file there (in any number of ways), the "update" actually does work. It
does show up on my Z: drive.

So, for the problem to occur, one must make the changes to the file from
Windows, across the samba share, as well as be observing the file from
Windows Explorer.

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