[Samba] smbclient -k works; mount -t cifs does not

Helmut Hullen Hullen at t-online.de
Tue May 4 14:43:00 MDT 2010

Hallo, Mike,

turgon at mike-leone.com meinte am 04.05.10 in Samba zum Thema Re: [Samba] smbclient -k works; mount -t cifs does not:

>>>> $ sudo mount -t cifs //dual-booter/TestShare /mnt -o sec=krb5
>>>> mount error(2): No such file or directory

>>> Try using the FQDN of the server in the UNC. For instance:
>>>    //dual-booter.dacrib.local/TestShare

> Nothing. I used the FQDN in /etc/fstab, and nothing happens. No error
> listed, but also nothing mounts.

It's no good idea to put a (perhaps not working) mount directive into "/ 

What you want has to work at least in a command line, and then (and  
there) you can see more messages.

Viele Gruesse!

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