[Samba] samba file locking

Janez Kosmrlj postnalista at googlemail.com
Mon Mar 15 00:52:02 MDT 2010

On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 6:52 AM, Janez Kosmrlj
<postnalista at googlemail.com>wrote:

>>> Hi,
>>> I tried your configuration. Everything works, as long as i test with text
>>> files. But when i tried with the java application i just get a lot of the
>>> folowing errors:
>>> *mmap failed for CEN and END part of zip file*
>>> Actually i get of them for every jar in the classpath. And the java app
>>> doesn't start.
>>> From my testing it seems that java doesn't like the forcedirectio
>>> parameter in fstab. Also it doesn't like the directio parameter.
>>> Regards
>>> Janez
> I did some research and it is not possible to use java with
> forcedirectio/directio. The explanation is in the mount.cifs man page. "Do
> not do inode data caching on files opened on this mount. This precludes
> mmaping files on this mount." Unfortunately java uses the mmap system call
> to load the files from the classpath to memory.
> Maybe this will be usefull for someone in the future.

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