[Samba] Need Help Getting Windows XP To Use Samba Properly

Chris Smith smb_77 at chrissmith.org
Wed Dec 29 16:19:37 MST 2010

On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 6:09 PM, Hodges, Robert CTR USAF AFMC 520
SMXS/MXDEC <robert.hodges.ctr at hill.af.mil> wrote:
> This is interesting, since we've had this working since the beginning (using hosts files anyway).
> Works great with Win2K and Samba:  "Servername_Number"

When you break the rules they will eventually break you :)

Microsoft was late to the TCP/IP party so it's possible some things
fell through the cracks. Any reasonable Google search will have you
removing underscores in your hostnames.

And this:
which cautions:
"Do Not Use Extended Characters
Do not use extended characters in NetBIOS names, especially the
underscore ( _ ) and the period ( . ). The underscore character is
converted to a dash in DNS host names. For example, NTServer_1 becomes
NTServer-1, leading to failure of name resolution of a name that may,
in fact, be recorded in the DNS files."


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