[Samba] Need Help Getting Windows XP To Use Samba Properly

John Drescher drescherjm at gmail.com
Tue Dec 28 12:00:39 MST 2010

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 1:39 PM, Hodges, Robert CTR USAF AFMC 520
SMXS/MXDEC <robert.hodges.ctr at hill.af.mil> wrote:
> Hi everyone, new to the list.
> My apologies if this issue has already been covered, but I am having the
> following problem with Samba:
> Using Windows XP as a client, I am trying to see a Solaris system as a
> server.  Solaris is running Samba 2.4.2, and Windows 2000 sees it as a
> server without any problems.
> Windows XP, however, generates the error "The network name is no longer
> available" when trying to browse to shares on the Solaris box.  Browsing
> is what produces the error - otherwise, I can map to and access
> resources directly with "\\servername\share".
> Running the command "browstat status" on the WinXP box shows that the
> Windows machine is not able to pull the server list from the Solaris
> box.  Again, Windows 2000, however, works fine and does not have this
> problem.
> Desperate for help to get this resolved.

Did you enable WINS on the samba server and set that up on the XP box?
Usually that fixes a lot of windows browsing problems.


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