[Samba] Can't compiling over CIFS Shares

Bruno MACADRE bruno.macadre at univ-rouen.fr
Mon Oct 5 08:30:41 MDT 2009


	My problems with Samba continue... I'm very disappointed, i've never
had as problems with Samba before (on my old server with Gentoo/Samba

	So the new problem is : When a student want to compile a C program into
his home (mounted in CIFS), the produced executable can't be executed
"./tst: cannot execute binary file". Tried on ubuntu-9.04 with
mount.cifs 3.2.3 and mount.cifs 3.4.2.

	How to reproduce :
	1- Mount a CIFS share on a workstation :
	# mount -t cifs -ousername=toto // TMP
	2- Go to this mount
	# cd TMP
	3- Write a small C program
	# vi main.c
	int main(int argc, char *argv[])
		return 0;
	4- Try to compile and execute them :
	a- First way :
		# gcc -o tst main.c
		Compilation OK
		# ./tst
		./tst: cannot execute binary file

	b- Second way :
		# gcc -c main.c
		Compilation OK
		# gcc -o tst main.o
		main.o: file not recognized: File format not recognized
		collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

You can try to evaluate the type of file .o. When you compile on a local
directory of the workstation :
# file main.o
main.o: ELF 32-bit LSB relocatable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), not
But if you compile in a CIFS share
# file main.o
main.o: data

	Any idea ??

	I've a simple configuration Samba (3.4.2) as PDC and smbpasswd as
passdb backend (the bug #6771 of ldapsam obliges me to workaround with
smbpasswd). My shares are physicaly on XFS Filesystem with acl activated.

	Actually my SAMBA works fine with Windows but it's totally unusable
under Linux...

	To be continued...

PS : If something is interrested by this problem (i hope for), i can
send my smb.conf and any log files (log level 10 activated) !


 Ingénieur Systèmes et Réseau     | Systems and Network Engineer
 Département Informatique         | Department of computer science
 Responsable Réseau et Téléphonie | Telecom and Network Manager
 Université de Rouen              | University of Rouen
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	Université de Rouen
	Faculté des Sciences et Techniques - Madrillet
	Avenue de l'Université - BP12
	76801 St Etienne du Rouvray CEDEX

	Tél : +33 (0)2-32-95-51-86
	Fax : +33 (0)2-32-95-51-87

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