[Samba] samba on mipsel board

Mahmood Javed mahmood at wonderbox.net
Tue May 5 11:20:54 GMT 2009

I have cross compiled samba to a mipsel board. I could access the shares 
from another linux machine using smbmount, and from a mac OSX machine. 
But, I can not modify files from an XP machine. I could successfully 
mount the shares, but if I open, say a text file from the XP in notepad 
and try to modify it, it generates an error "not enough storage is 
available  to process this command". And if I open it with Wordpad, it 
would not even open, the error is "An Unexpected error occured while 
reading \\Blackboxone\public\dummy.txt".

Could anybody please help me to resolve the issue.
Many thanks,


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