[Samba] Copy *just* user accounts from LDAP?
Adam Williams
awilliam at mdah.state.ms.us
Tue Jun 23 13:43:51 GMT 2009
ldapsearch -v -x -h roark.mdah.state.ms.us -D
"cn=Manager,dc=mdah,dc=state,dc=ms,dc=us" -w xxxxxxxx -b
"ou=People,dc=mdah,dc=state,dc=ms,dc=us" > somefile
scp somefile over. load it with slapadd or ldapadd.
johnh at primebuchholz.com wrote:
> Greetings All,
> I have a Samba-controlled domain, with everything in LDAP.
> I also have an off-site server that I rsync all our files to every couple
> hours.
> What I'd like to do is set up a new Samba domain on the off-site server so
> users can log into it for disaster recovery purposes - and I'd like to
> keep the user account information synchronized with the main server so
> user's passwords are the same, etc. - while leaving behind workstation
> accounts, etc.
> Does anyone have any ideas on how best to approach this? I guess what I'm
> asking is, I'm OK with slapcat/slapadd'ing periodically from the main
> server to the off-site server, but does anyone have ideas for how to
> filter just the user accounts into the LDIF?
> Thanks in advance,
> -John
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