[Samba] Samba 3.0.24 on OpenWRT
Kunal Punjabi
kpunjabi at ubicom.com
Thu Jun 18 18:33:56 GMT 2009
Trying to send this again because the message was too large last time..
Thank you for your help so far.
I don't see any output with the "smbd -d 10 -i" command.
However, on a positive note, after doing a "smb -i", samba is now
"listening" for requests and I can connect to it from a linux client
smbclient //IPADDRESS/share
(and then use get/put to transfer files from the /tmp share)
(FYI I had to add "netbios-ssn 139/tcp" to /etc/services
And "netbios-ssn stream tcp nowait root /bin/smbd" to /etc/inetd.conf
to get it to work.)
These are some other related configuration changes:
diff --git a/package/samba3/files/samba.config
index 3acff5d..780a905 100644
--- a/package/samba3/files/samba.config
+++ b/package/samba3/files/samba.config
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
config samba
- option 'name' 'openwrt'
- option 'workgroup' 'openwrt'
- option 'description' 'openwrt'
+ option 'name' 'ubicom'
+ option 'workgroup' 'WORKGROUP'
+ option 'description' 'Ubicom SaMBa Server'
option 'homes' '1'
config sambashare
option 'name' 'tmp'
option 'path' '/tmp'
option 'read_only' 'no'
- option 'guest_ok' 'no'
- option 'create_mask' '0700'
- option 'dir_mask' '0700'
+ option 'guest_ok' 'yes'
+ option 'create_mask' '0755'
+ option 'dir_mask' '0755'
#option 'users' 'abc'
I do have 2 questions:
1. The samba server is only waiting for samba connections if
I use the -i (interactive) mode. Any idea how I can get my samba server
to listen for and accept requests automatically (in non-interactive
2. A second related question is, how can I configure mount
points and samba shares from the OpenWRT user interface? For example in
the UI, I added a /etc mount point, but I cannot access it from my linux
smb client (using the smbclient command) the same way I could access
/tmp (/tmp was statically configured in
package/samba3/files/samba.conf) at build time.
Is there something that needs to be done to make it work
seamlessly with the OpenWRT User Interface? Or is this question
misplaced? :
Thanks again.
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