[Samba] Fwd: HELP SAMBA + LDAP
Adam Tauno Williams
awilliam at whitemice.org
Tue Jun 16 12:09:32 GMT 2009
On Tue, 2009-06-16 at 11:43 +0000, Samir RHAOUSSI wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> Please does some one have any "documentation", "tutorial", "how to" about
> setting up a PDC basing on *Samba with a LDAP (OpenLDAP) *backend on *CentOS
> *?
> i found a lot of howtos but all of them were based on debian's family
> I really need it for my studies end project
> thank you very very much for your help
It doesn't matter what the distribution is; it is the same software.
Personally I think the rewrite-every-doc-for-every-distro is a HUGE
waste of time and effort. Installing the packages is the *only* step
that is syntactically specific to a distro and any competent
administrator can install packages {Basically substitute
yum/zypper/apt/etc... for X and proceed]. Take a look at the very good,
and distribution agnostic documents on the Samba site which cover this
issue in pretty good detail; avoid all other documents as many of them
are out of date or just plain bad.
For CentOS5 you can use the repository at
<http://ftp.sernet.de/pub/samba/tested/centos/5/repodata/> to get recent
Samba packages that are well packaged.
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