[Samba] Samba+Ldap problems
Olivier Nicole
on at cs.ait.ac.th
Wed Jun 3 09:42:13 GMT 2009
> I'm trying to use it to
> login via ssh. This user cannot authenticate.
> Here is the result from auth.log and some configurations files
This is not a samba problem but a SSH/Ubuntu/Ldap problem :)
You need both packages pam_ldap AND nss_ldap.
You need to configure both (configuration is very similar, but there
may be some differences).
To give a brief explanation:
pam_ldap is used by ssh (you need to configure /etc/pam.d/ssh !) to
accept the username and password
nss_ldap is used by thing slike getent, or to show your correct
username and group when you do a "ls -l"
Now it much depends how your LDAP tree is organized, so I cannot give
much more advise; what is the objectClass you use for your users? I am
surprised to see that user and password belongs to different place in
the LDAP tree. I am also surprised that the /etc/pam.d example you
give do not contain a single reference to ldap...
There are good how-to floating on Google, that work you step by step.
Best regards,
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