[Samba] call_trans2qfsinfo: not an allowed info level (0x102) on IPC$

Miguel Medalha miguelmedalha at sapo.pt
Sun Jan 25 19:13:02 GMT 2009

I have a CentOS 5.2 server with Samba 3.2.7 and an LDAP backend .  
Everything is working well and smooth.
I noticed that the log files for some client machines (Windows XP) 
contain the following:

[<date><time>,  0] smbd/trans2.c:call_trans2qfsinfo(2568)
  call_trans2qfsinfo: not an allowed info level (0x102) on IPC$.

This repeats many, many times for a single session.

I googled this and only obtained two entries, which seems to indicate a 
very recent issue:



As I said, all seems to be working correctly but I am seeing long logs 
filled with this.

Does anyone here know what does this mean? Could one of the developers 
inform us?

Thank you!

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