[Samba] Samba 3.2.7 file server

Rajeev R. Veedu rajeev at cracknell.com
Wed Jan 21 09:09:16 GMT 2009

Dear all.


I have installed a samba 3.2.7 on CentOS 5.2. Could someone from the list help me with smb.config file if I need to do the following


1)      Samba server will be a file server.

2)      Access permission will be based on linux user + smb password


This is a remote site office and we dont have a domain controllers. Users will  connect their VPN to access the mail from the central office however they need to have a place to store the files created on site office. I am thinking of putting a Linux box with Samba on it. If you could help me by sending a sample SMB config file so that I could adapt the same.


Thanks in advance





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