[Samba] Tunneling over SSH
Kevin Bailey
kbailey at freewayprojects.com
Tue Feb 24 18:26:18 GMT 2009
Mike Messick wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> You might take a look at openvpn instead - http://openvpn.net.
> I've had great success for 3+ years using openvpn on my samba server and
> having windows machines accessing shares via the vpn link. Since openvpn
> can use udp as well it provides a much more resilient transport for samba
> traffic (At the cost of some throughput I'm sure.)
> Hope this helps,
> -Mike.
> ==================================================================
> Mike Messick Dona nobis pacem rm -rf /bin/laden
> PGP Key Fingerprint: email: mikem at alaska.net
> 2048/0x57318496 053B 412B 82FC 3808 E141 CDCD 74AE 01C5 5731 8496
> On Tue, 24 Feb 2009, Kevin Bailey wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Has anyone successfully got a Windows PC to access Samba over an SSH
>> tunnel. This first of all worked immediately - but now seems to have
>> stopped.
>> I've tried with using putty and myentunnel to set up the tunnel - and
>> these are working when I test against a web server.
>> I've followed instructions at:
>> http://www.security-hacks.com/2007/05/18/tunneling-smb-over-ssh-secure-file-sharing
>> This has set up another loopback device which means that the Windows
>> machine can carry on with its own file sharing.
>> This is particularly important as my client needs to access Sage
>> Accounts data files which are Access files - I want them to continue
>> accessing the data using Samba - but as I need to put the server on to
>> the internet I need to tunnel the Samba traffic over ssh for security.
>> Any help, pointers gratefully received.
>> Kevin Bailey
>> --
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Yep - thanks for that. We've used VPN's successfully before - but the
client wants to attach from various locations and setting up VPN's is
too much.
Also, we had trouble setting up a VPN from his house - can't remember
the details apart from the fact that it was BT's fault!
*Kevin Bailey*
Director/Programmer - Freeway Projects Limited
Web: www.freewayprojects.com <http://www.freewayprojects.com/>
Email: kbailey at freewayprojects.com <mailto:kbailey at freewayprojects.com>
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