[Samba] Samba Upgrade
Bjoern Meier
bjoern.meier at googlemail.com
Mon Feb 16 12:06:45 GMT 2009
2009/2/16 Javier Arancibia <jarancibia at nacion-seguros.com.ar>:
> Try to synchronize the date/time of the clients and server
> Javier
Thx for fast answer. I don't believe that is that keberos-error. the
file-server (this is my samba server) updates daily with ntpdate on
the same machine I try to connect. I do this now manually. But it
changed nothing.
> Bjoern Meier <bjoern.meier at googlemail.com>
> Enviado por: samba-bounces+jarancibia=nacion-seguros.com.ar at lists.samba.org
> 16/02/2009 09:21
> Para
> samba at lists.samba.org
> cc
> Asunto
> [Samba] Samba Upgrade
> Hi list,
> I just upgrade my samba and I get from my connected shares: the
> specified path does not exist.On ip-adress it works great, but I don't
> want to change this on 100 clients.
> A few Infos
> Samba-Version 3.2.5
> security = ADS
> getent passwd and getent group works also fine
> id could resolv standard-group and the rest group
> Loglevel is 3 but nothing usefull is in there.
> Hope you could help me out.
> Greetings,
> Björn
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