[Samba] Files monitoring through Samba
Robinson, Eric
eric.robinson at psmnv.com
Wed Feb 4 01:28:15 GMT 2009
Inotify is your best bet because otherwise you won't see files that are
created in any other way except through samba. There's lots of ways
files get added, changed, or deleted. inotify catches them all. Of
course, you have to combine it with inotifywait and a script for a full
Eric Robinson
-----Original Message-----
From: samba-bounces+eric.robinson=psmnv.com at lists.samba.org
[mailto:samba-bounces+eric.robinson=psmnv.com at lists.samba.org] On Behalf
Of Andrea Zagli
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 4:31 AM
To: samba at lists.samba.org
Subject: Re: [Samba] Files monitoring through Samba
Il giorno lun 02 feb 2009 21:51:13 CET, Clinton Mills ha scritto:
> I am trying to setup a way to watch each file that is created,
> updated, and deleted through samba. I have currently looked at
> inotify but I am not sure if that is the best way. What suggestions
> would you have to setup a way to get some type of event when one of
> these actions occur? I would like to watch a directory recursively and
> be able to run a shell script or perl script and that script know the
file name and path.
look at this
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