[Samba] Samba 4--are multiple domain administrators possible?
kb9vqf at pearsoncomputing.net
kb9vqf at pearsoncomputing.net
Mon Feb 2 06:19:53 GMT 2009
I tried granting the user admin privileges via the Windows XP domain user
management console (after adding them to the "Domain Admins" group), but
this had no effect.
Do I have to do something permissions-wise on the Linux end?
Thank you,
Timothy Pearson
> you can add a person to a domain admin group, but if you don't grant them
> privileges to do admin task he/she will not be able to do the
> administration
> that you want so grant him/her the task to admin and you will see that the
> status will change
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: <kb9vqf at pearsoncomputing.net>
> Sent: 02/01/2009 8:50 PM
> To: <samba at lists.samba.org>
> Subject: [Samba] Samba 4--are multiple domain administrators possible?
>> I have a quick question for someone knowledgeable in Samba 4:
>> I recently set up a Samba 4 test server, utilizing the built-in LDAP
>> server, and joined an Windows XP client to it. After logging in with
>> the
>> precreated "administrator" account I then attempted to add another user
>> and grant that user domain administrator privileges by adding him to the
>> "Domain Admins" group.
>> When I logged in under the new user, I was completely locked out of any
>> administrative tasks, even though that user was showing up under the
>> "Domain Admins" group. Does Samba 4 not yet understand multiple domain
>> administrators, or did I do something wrong?
>> Thank you for any assistance you can offer. Samba 4 is quite impressive
>> even in alpha!
>> Timothy Pearson
>> --
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