[Samba] parallel administration tool for PCs?

Hari Sekhon hpsekhon at googlemail.com
Wed Sep 10 10:44:00 GMT 2008

David Mathog wrote:
> This is a bit off topic, but I'm looking for a convenient way to manage
> N "identical" Windows PCs, using as much as possible 1 command to do the
> same thing on all of them.  The capabilities I'm looking for, preferably
> in a single tool are, given a designated master machine and N clones of
> that master:
This sounds like it would be better done architecturally with Active 
Directory + group policies/SMS etc ... or you could just scrape around 
and sort-of get something working by hobbling together the kinds of 
technologies you previously mentioned... kind of. Can't vouch for it though.

Fyi I recommend vbs/wsh for the gui keystrokes by the way... I have 
personally find that a very useful little language.


Hari Sekhon

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