[Samba] smbmount deprecated - what about Windows 9x?

Günter Kukkukk linux at kukkukk.com
Mon May 12 17:40:00 GMT 2008

Hi Helmut,

Am Montag, 12. Mai 2008 schrieb Helmut Hullen:
> Hallo, Günter,
> Du meintest am 12.05.08 zum Thema Re: [Samba] smbmount deprecated - what about Windows 9x?:
> >>   smbfs is deprecated and will be removed from the 2.6.27 kernel.
> >>   Please migrate to cifs.
> >> Can I use "smbmount" even with kernel 2.6.27 (or newer)? May be cifs
> >> is better, but I need to mount Win9x shares.
> > you can use cifs vfs to mount win9x shares, but need to add
> > the following to the mount options:
> >   servernetbiosname=W9XSERVER
> > or the shorter form
> >   servern=W9XSERVER
> > where "W9XSERVER" is the upper case netbios name of the legacy
> > server.
> > Legacy servers like OS/2 in addition need the option
> >   sec=lanman
> > Example:
> > mount -t cifs //server/SHARE /mount/point -o
> > credentials=/root/sec/.creds,servern=MYWIN98,dir_mode=0755,file_mo
> > de=0764,uid=test,gid=users  ...
> Thank you - it works!
> "sec=lanman" seems not to be necessary (or outdated).
> "man mount.cifs" (Samba 3.0.28a) doesn't show the option "lanman" for  
> "sec".

'man mount.cifs' atm is not completely uptodate - in the near future even
more mount options might be added...
When mounting OS/2 shares, "sec=lanman" _is_ needed!

From the README of the cifs vfs kernel source:
sec            Security mode.  Allowed values are:
                        none    attempt to connection as a null user (no name)
                        krb5    Use Kerberos version 5 authentication
                        krb5i   Use Kerberos authentication and packet signing
                        ntlm    Use NTLM password hashing (default)
                        ntlmi   Use NTLM password hashing with signing (if
                                /proc/fs/cifs/PacketSigningEnabled on or if
                                server requires signing also can be the default)
                        ntlmv2  Use NTLMv2 password hashing
                        ntlmv2i Use NTLMv2 password hashing with packet signing
                        lanman  (if configured in kernel config) use older
                                lanman hash

All readers of this thread should also note that the cifs vfs kernel module
must be build with the option
to support legacy servers which depend on the weak lanman hash!

Some distros have already started to ship kernels without setting this
build flag (but have removed smbfs, too).
Many distro maintainers have now been informed about this.
Please drop me a note when a distro does not support cifs vfs
legacy servers connections, so we can contact the maintainers.

Cheers, Günter

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