[Samba] "Must Change Password at Next Login" does not work

Mike Brady mike.brady at devnull.net.nz
Mon May 5 21:04:18 GMT 2008

When setting the "User Must Change Password at Next Login" flag via
usrmgr the user is not prompted to change their password.  The various
Password fields in password backend (tdb) as viewed using pdbedit are
all set to zero, so it is doing something.

Setting this using "net sam pwdmustchangenow" works correctly (i.e. the
users is prompted to change their password).  It also sets all the
password fields to zero, but I guess it must be doing something else as

System is Centos 5.1 x86_64.
Samba is a GIT snapshot from 26 Apr 2008.

Debug log level 3 and conf files are attached.

If this is a bug let me know and I will log it.



-------------- next part --------------
# Generated by /usr/local/samba/modify_samba_config.pl
	idmapconfigalldomains:backend = tdb
	logonhome                 = \\%L\%U\.profiles
	addsharecommand           = /usr/local/samba/modify_samba_config.pl
	deletesharecommand        = /usr/local/samba/modify_samba_config.pl
	maxlogsize                = 50
	usernamemap               = /etc/samba/smbusers
	idmapconfigalldomains:range = 10000 - 50000
	addmachinescript          = /usr/sbin/useradd -n -c "Workstation (%u)" -M -d /nohome -s /bin/false -g machines "%u"
	deleteuserscript          = /usr/sbin/userdel "%u"
	domainlogons              = Yes
	idmapdomains              = ALLDOMAINS
	winbindnestedgroups       = yes
	logfile                   = /var/log/samba/%m.log
	preferredmaster           = Yes
	winsproxy                 = Yes
	logondrive                = H:
	addusertogroupscript      = /usr/bin/gpasswd -a "%u" "%g"
	workgroup                 = NZHH
	idmapallocconfig:range    = 10000 - 50000
	domainmaster              = Yes
	winbindusedefaultdomain   = yes
	addgroupscript            = /usr/sbin/groupadd "%g"
	idmapallocbackend         = tdb
	deleteuserfromgroupscript = /usr/bin/gpasswd -d "%u" "%g"
	enableprivileges          = yes
	loglevel                  = 3
	adduserscript             = /usr/sbin/useradd "%u" -n -g domusers
	interfaces                = lo, eth0
	hostsallow                = 127., 192.168.43., 192.168.42.
	winbindenumgroups         = Yes
	passdbbackend             = tdbsam:/etc/samba/passdb.tdb
	deletegroupscript         = /usr/sbin/groupdel "%g"
	cupsoptions               = raw
	winssupport               = Yes
	logonpath                 = \\%L\Profiles\%U
	idmapconfigalldomains:default = yes
	serverstring              = Samba Server Version %v
	winbindenumusers          = yes
	oslevel                   = 33

## Section - [share3]
	read only                 = No
	comment                   = 
	path                      = /home/samba/share3
	max connections           = 0

## Section - [share1]
	readonly                  = No
	comment                   = share1 Testing perl script
	maxconnections            = 100
	path                      = /home/samba/share1

## Section - [share2]
	comment                   = share2 Testing perl script
	maxconnections            = 100
	path                      = /home/samba/share2

## Section - [netlogon]
	readonly                  = yes
	sharemodes                = No
	browseable                = No
	comment                   = Network Logon Service
	path                      = /var/lib/samba/netlogon
	guestok                   = Yes

## Section - [homes]
	readonly                  = No
	browseable                = No
	comment                   = Home Directories

## Section - [profiles]
	directorymask             = 0700
	createmask                = 0600
	readonly                  = no
	path                      = /var/lib/samba/profiles

# end of generated smb.conf

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