[Samba] file / dir changes do not refresh clients folder
pedro noticioso
cucnews at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 31 19:32:07 GMT 2007
Ive been suffering from a problem that comes into the
default samba provided by debian etch 4.0 stable.
When there are file/dir modifications on shared
folders, the results do not appear on the windows
client inmediately.
My configuration is the most basic possible, straight
out of this howto
a small chat on irc reveals some details, I am irule
in there, and according to epsilon, I am not alone.
any thoughts, please help, thanks
<epsilon> I have samba 3.0.24 (debian stable) running,
but changes n filesystem (new dir or new filename) get
displayed in Explorer after I refresh, and not
<epsilon> what can be the reason? I already tried
'refresh = 1' in smb.conf and restarted, but no change
<||cw> epsilon: default is 60 seconds i think
<epsilon> ||cw: I have the almost same config (except
path and username) on another box, it's running fine
and changes get displayed immediatly...
<epsilon> can't locate why this one box is behaving
different with same binary...
<||cw> check logs? maybe a lib is missing?
irule> I have the same problem as epsilon, windows
clients can not get the forlders upgraded on the fly
when a file or directory is uploaded, deleted or
anything else, I can only press [F5] key on clients to
refresh folder view and my configuration is exactly
this one
<epsilon> irule: have you been able to fix this issue?
<irule> epsilon nope, and I have 50+ users braking my
back for it lol
<epsilon> irule: strange is, I have as basic conf as
yours on one box which has no problem with refresh...
<epsilon> everything same (OS, conf) expect
<irule> epsilon I know, Im asking the mailing list
tho, this samba copy is being installed on too many
servers to just ignore the issue
<epsilon> yea, I found few posts in mailinglists with
same issue, but none had any reply...
--- Georgy Goshin <gosha at inbox.ee> wrote:
> Hi!
> Let's go back to this topic please! I have to
> replace the Windows NT 4.0
> server with Samba but I still don't know how to do
> this. I need to allow to
> someone (some user group) the right to add files
> into the folder. They use
> this "feature" on current NT server ver often and to
> this in the following
> ways:
> 1. Rightclick on file you want to add, Copy, then go
> to server, for exaple
> (\\main\), locate the desired share name, rightclick
> on it and Paste.
> 2. Just drag the files you want to add to desired
> sharename.
> But when you will try to go in the same share, you
> will receive the
> "permission denied" message and will not be able to
> read the files or just
> list them.
> Is there a way to make it with Samba or not?
> > setfacl -m g:"ntadmins":rwx -R /home/ntadmins
> >
> > Now, the second type of permissions apply to any
> file (or directory) that
> > is created in /home/ntadmins:
> >
> > setfacl -m d:g:"ntusers":--- -R /home/ntadmins
> > The effect of the second setfacl command says that
> the group ntusers will
> > be explicitly given no access to any file or
> directory created in
> > /home/ntadmins.
> I tried to do this way but it create a subfile or
> subfolder readoble and
> writeable at lease by creator. In case with NT user
> who has a right only for
> adding files can not go into the folder and see and
> read the content there
> even if he just added this content into this folder
> or share.
> Please point me to the right way, thanks.
> G.
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