[Samba] Fwd: Migrate Files and Shares
Chris Osicki
osk at admin.swisscom-mobile.ch
Wed Oct 10 13:31:23 GMT 2007
I tried robocopy but it didn't work for me. I suspect that robocopy tried to things
Samba couldn't do. I haven't investigated much, though.
The data I've migrated so far was not much and after copying it I set
permissions with "setfacl" on the Server.
It doesn't help you much, but you shouldn't feel anone ;-)
On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 12:01:18 +0800
"Vijay S" <sun.vijay at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Appreciate if someone can suggest a possible solution to this.
> Thanks
> Vijay
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Vijay S <sun.vijay at gmail.com>
> Date: Oct 9, 2007 1:54 AM
> Subject: Migrate Files and Shares
> To: samba at lists.samba.org
> I have read about the net commands and the possible use of robocopy for
> migrating shares and files (with ACL preservation) from Windows to Samba.
> I have also read about many users who have posted various errors with both
> methods (error 5, access_denied, etc). However, I have been unable to find
> any reponse/solutions to the same.
> I'd like to know if there is a solution to such problems and if there is any
> further documentation on how to achieve such a migration.
> Thank you
> Vijay
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