[Samba] Samba v3.0.26a
Ryan Novosielski
novosirj at umdnj.edu
Mon Oct 8 20:10:20 GMT 2007
Hash: SHA1
Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
>> I got samba 3.0.26a on my Fedora 7, and when i try to add users with
>> smbpasswd -a username, it only works if the user exists as a linux
>> user... i got a Centos 4.4 system with samba 3.0.10 and it works even
>> if the user doesn't exists on the system.
>> Can anyone explain me why this happens? is it from this new version
>> (3.0.26a) or may be a problem of
>> Fedora 7?
> Your configuration on the FC7 box is incomplete, you need an add user
> script to setup the user in NSS after which Samba will find the user and
> add the Samba attributes. All documented in the Samba docs.
To add to this, the user MUST exist as a Linux user. What the other
poster suggests is happening is that the other box is adding a Linux
user transparently.
- --
---- _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _
|Y#| | | |\/| | \ |\ | | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer II
|$&| |__| | | |__/ | \| _| |novosirj at umdnj.edu - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
\__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
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