[Samba] Re: Unusable performance over WAN (part 2)
Jancio Wodnik
jancio_wodnik at wp.pl
Sun Oct 7 16:37:38 GMT 2007
James Lamanna pisze:
> On 10/6/07, James Lamanna <jlamanna at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Disregard my previous posts, I've consolidated everything here.
>> I'm having terrible performance issues with samba over a WAN
>> (point-to-point T1 link).
>> Doing a copy of a 2MB file from a samba server to a linux client
>> running smbclient takes over 5 minutes.
>> SCPing the same file takes seconds.
>> The server is running samba version 3.0.25c with kernel
>> I've put up a set of debugging logs at:
>> http://emagiccards.com/james/sambalogs.tar.bz2
>> Inside are 3 files:
>> smb.conf - the configuration of the samba server
>> log.agard - the level 10 debug log of the copy from samba
>> samba-tcpdump.log - a tcpdump log from the client side of the copy
>> Any help to fix this issue would be greatly appreciated since the file
>> server is pretty unusuable over the WAN.
>> If you need any more information, please let me know. It is imperative
>> that I find out what's happening here.
>> Thanks.
>> -- James Lamanna
> One of the other things that I've noticed is that the pattern of Data
> / Acks is different based on where I connect from.
> If I connect on the server side of the T1 link, the data / ack pattern
> seems to be:
> Server sends 1500 byte packet
> Server sends 1500 byte packet
> Server sends 1500 byte packet
> etc...(to 64k)
> Client sends 52 byte ACK
> Client sends 52 byte ACK
> Client sends 52 byte ACK
> etc...
> If I connect from the other side of the T1, the data and acks are interleaved:
> Server sends 1500 byte packet
> Client sends 52 bye ACK
> Server sends 1500 byte packet
> Client sends 52 byte ACK
> etc..
> Can anyone think of a reason for this?
MTU of T1 link ? Try decrease it.
> Thanks.
> -- James
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