[Samba] Linux in a Windows 2k3 domain - odd lockout issue
Christopher Dick
jcdick1 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 2 15:46:24 GMT 2007
--- Doug VanLeuven <roamdad at sonic.net> wrote:
> Christopher Dick wrote:
> > I am currently running an openSuSE 10.2 machine in
> a
> > Windows 2k3 domain. I have upgraded to Samba
> 3.0.26a,
> > hoping it would solve my issue, but so far no
> luck.
> >
> > I was successful in adding my machine to the
> domain,
> > and the DC logs show repeated successful
> > authentications, and those few typo'd attempts,
> but
> > nothing that is a sequence of failed logins.
> >
> > I get tickets and can access shares from machines
> all
> > over the network without needing to
> re-authenticate.
> >
> > The problem is, at approx. 3:30 every afternoon,
> the
> > domain controller locks my user ID as if I had
> failed
> > repeatedly to type in the correct password.
> Though
> > the DC does not show this in the logs.
> >
> I only know of logon hours under the user account on
> the AD.
> Maybe your systems require a more frequent machine
> password change than
> one week.
> It would be helpful to know what steps you take to
> re-enable the account
> or how long you have to wait.
> Does samba manage the keytab or did you manually add
> the kerberos keytab
> principals?
> Regards, Doug
I don't have to wait any time at all to re-enable my
user ID in the AD. I just walk around the cube farm
to the Windows admin and have him clear the checkbox
on my user ID. Walk back to my cube and everything is
back to working again.
As for the samba vs. kerberos keytab, Samba was
handling it, and I thought maybe I should actually
specify kerberos authentication, so I changed it, but
that made no impact on the issue at all.
I checked with a consultant who happens to be here,
and he said that the machine password shouldn't have
any effect on my user ID, which is what is
inexplicably getting locked.
Thanks for giving me at least somewhere to start
looking, though. I do appreciate it.
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