[Samba] No longer able to browse windows share via Nautilus

Immanuel CRC Office office at immanuelministries.ca
Wed Nov 21 16:44:14 GMT 2007

Herman, thank you for your response.

So far, my debugging with smbclient showed nothing, so I tried nmblookup 
and have issues there too. So, I don't know what to do next. What I've 

I am ADMIN_SEC and I'm trying to connect to W98 PASTOR

$ smbclient -L PASTOR -N
timeout connecting to
timeout connecting to
Error connecting to (Operation already in progress)
Connection to PASTOR failed

$ nmblookup -B ADMIN_SEC __SAMBA__
querying __SAMBA__ on __SAMBA__<00>

$ nmblookup -B PASTOR '*'.
querying *. on
name_query failed to find name *.

Then I tried:
$ nmblookup -d 2 '*'.
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
querying *. on
name_query failed to find name *.

herman wrote:
>     Tue 20 Nov 2007 09:25:44 AM MST from Immanuel CRC Office to
>     samba at lists.samba.org
>     Subject: [Samba] No longer able to browse windows share via Nautilus
>     I used to be able to browse the windows shares on the network through
>     Nautilus. I can see them as computers, but when I click on them, it
>     fails. (I'm on Ubuntu 6 LTS, AMD64)
>     Debug it with smbclient.  Then you will be able to see the error
>     messages.  A GUI tool is only good when things work.
>     Cheers,
>     Herman 

Crystle Numan
Administrative Secretary, Immanuel CRC
61 Mohawk Rd. W. Hamilton ON   L9C 1V9
office at immanuelministries.ca

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