[Samba] Mac client

Adam Hardy adam.ant at cyberspaceroad.com
Thu Nov 15 08:34:02 GMT 2007

Mikko Suomi on 14/11/07 16:48, wrote:
> Adam Hardy wrote:
>> I'm trying to copy files to a Samba share that I have set up on a 
>> linux debian machine from a Mac running OS X, using samba 3.0.24.
>> The Mac complains that there is something wrong with the file name, 
>> and then refuses to copy, and the operation leaves a zero-byte file 
>> with the same name on the samba share.
> I had similiar problems with Mac's when I had veto files = /.*/ in samba 
> share to pervent users from deleting their linux profile files from 
> Windows workstations. (OSx likes to create .DS_Store -files to it's 
> folders) For some reason files could be written to samba from Macs 
> terminal window. Chancing veto files to /.bash*/ fixed problem for me.

Thanks for the tip.

I had veto = /*.{*}/.*/mail/bin

  - put in there by default by SWAT!


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